Q : What bothered you about your jawline/profile? Did you like the way you looked in pictures? Selfies? Mirror? See before photo above.
A : It seemed as though my chin and neck were one, and there was no longer definition between the two. I would loathe looking at photos of myself, as I felt like I was staring at my grandmother.
Q : Would you say the fullness in your lower face made you feel tired? Sad?
A : Yes, both tired and sad. I was discouraged when my friends would ask me if I were tired or if I didn’t feel well because I looked exhausted.
Q : What made you want to do something about the fullness of your chin?
A : A friend recommended Kybella, an in-office treatment. I was ready to improve my look of constant fatigue and to improve the definition of my jawline to reveal a more youthful profile. I went to Dr. Sherman for a consultation and to learn about the science, the success of the trials, the after effects, and the longevity of the results.
Q : Were you surprised there was a non-surgical solution?
A: Yes. I was surprised that a procedure without surgery could produce a great result. I can testify to a fantastic result in my case.
Q : Did you notice your jowls? How did they make you feel?
A : All I could see were my jowls because my face had “dropped” and I looked like I was tired or unhappy. I felt old beyond my years. All of these emotions combined caused a very real depression. I felt that my former self was lost forever. I wasn’t trying to fabricate youth. My goal was to was to find a means to create a confident version of who I am at the age of 59 and to look well and as good as I can.

Before and After Results
Q : How did you learn about Kybella and what made you trust Dr Sherman that it was safe and effective?
A : I learned of Kybella through a friend. I went to Dr. Sherman because of her excellent reputation. She was recommended to me by a friend. I believe any procedure with this level of precision must be supported and performed by a well-trained and experienced aesthetic doctor, rather than an aesthetician. I think aestheticians can educate, advocate and advise their clients about up-to-date procedures that support a client’s quest for personal care and esteem, but I do not believe they should perform this kind of non-surgical treatment. I strongly believe that an aesthetic physician with an excellent reputation like Dr. Sherman will set realistic expectations about results.
Q : What was your experience with Kybella?
A : Excellent. I did experience swelling, which was noticeable to my friends and family. I wore scarves and tops to camouflage my neck while it was swollen – only a matter of a week or so. Regarding results, it was a small change at first. After my first, second and third treatments, I could really see a difference. I was beyond pleased and amazed.
Q : What was your experience with filler?
A : Again, I believe a medical professional will realisically explain how these procedures can work in tandem with Kybella. I trusted Dr. Sherman to be judicious and conservative, and she didn’t let me down. Her philosophy to perform this treatment step by step with reevaluation along the way made complete sense to me. It was meaningful to thoroughly discuss every step for each treatment and to trust the pair of eyes looking at me versus what I saw in the mirror.
Q : How did you feel about the results of the filler jawline rejuvenation procedure?
A : I am extremely satisfied. I could instantly see that the results of my jawline were improved and my jowls had disappeared. The results were much faster than I anticipated and far preferable to other treatments I knew of.
Q : Was it painful?
A : When you know what to expect, discomfort is more tolerable. My expectation of any discomfort was established before the injections, thanks to Dr. Sherman and her teams’ thorough explanation of the procedure. Some of it was uncomfortable, but it was never painful. Neither was the aftermath, but I was fully informed so I knew what to expect post-procedure.
Q : Was it easier than surgery?
A : Definitely. I didn’t need a driver nor did I need anyone to stay with me overnight, I didn’t have to stop eating or drinking before my appointment, and most importantly, I didn’t have to take off work. So I would resoundingly say yes.
Q : Were you glad you did not have to have general anesthesia?
A : Yes. The idea of going under general anesthesia for a cosmetic procedure made me anxious. I always feel off kilter after anesthesia for a couple weeks.
Q : How do you feel about your profile now? Are you more confident to take a photo now or meet someone new?
A : I feel like I look 10 years younger, it’s a pleasure to wear necklaces and open necklines again. I had stopped wearing any of these things as I did not want to draw attention to my neck or the lower half of my face. It has made me very happy to feel more like myself again.
Q : How do the results make you feel?
A : I feel like I am a better version of myself and that I look younger than my age of 59. I no like my profile again, especially since Kybella is a permanent, lifetime result, and retreatment is likely unneeded.
Q : Do you feel more youthful? Or even empowered?
A : Yes, a confident version of who I am now at this age and stage.
Q : Would you recommend this to somebody else?
A : Absolutely. A procedure with little or no downtime that changes one’s self esteem is definately a win-win. I recommend an evaluation and a treatment plan to anyone who is struggling with the esteem challenges that aging brings, like I was.
Q : Do you feel it is important to go to someone that is an expert? And why?
A : 100%, for the reasons above. These procedures should not be performed on a whim or as a spontaneous decision. Be clear about the professional evaluation and projected results from your Aesthetic Doctor. There will likely be minor corrections once the procedures settle. Be patient. Trust your medical professional . Regular follow-ups and touch-ups are necessary to maintain the success of your treatments and your level of satisfaction.