Each testimonial is a testament to our commitment to providing top-notch cosmetic and reconstructive services. Gain valuable insights into our innovative procedures, compassionate approach, and natural results our patients have come to know us for.
Cosmetic Case 1 Lid Retraction
When a friend asked me about the Sherman Aesthetic Center, I tell them all about what the SAC has done for me. As stereotypical as it sounds I really did visit the SAC as a prelude to an upcoming class reunion. I was treated with great respect and my individual needs were addressed very specifically and a plan was devised to meet my aesthetic needs as well as fit into the restraints of my pocketbook. The results were amazing, resulting in higher self esteem and confidence. The quality of care and professionalism is unsurpassed. Whenever I receive a compliment, the first three words out of my mouth are “Sherman Aesthetic Center!” The biggest difference I notice after my treatments at the Sherman Aesthetic Center was that I had more self confidence at work and in my social life. I felt as though I had joined Ponce de Leon at his fountain. The reason the Sherman Aesthetic Center is my first choice for care is the kindness of Dr. Sherman and her staff.

Cosmetic Case 3 Upper Bleph, Lower Bleph
I am the type of person that I thought would NEVER have any type cosmetic surgery. I felt I would grow old gracefully…..boy was I wrong! I had a consultation at the Sherman Aesthetic Center and was given in great detail, information concerning a browlift, and upper and lower eyelid surgery. I did not feel pressured into deciding on surgery, just given all my options. I went home to think about it, and allowed myself time to consider if the surgery was right for me. Feeling very informed and my questions answered, I scheduled my surgery. I am thrilled with the results, but most importantly, I still look like me, just a younger version. Thanks, Dr. Sherman!

Four years ago, I was a drug rep, and I called on Dr. Sherman and I had seen what her office was able to do. I was very concerned because like many other people, I was experiencing the “11” that cause me to have a frown on my face or look like I was frustrated a lot. BOTOX really helped to alleviate that issue that I experienced and has given me a more youthful appearance as I have aged through the years.

Before I came to the Sherman Aesthetic Center, I felt that I was looking older than my years. I wanted to improve my appearance, but was afraid that I would not look like me. Dr. Sherman and the staff made me feel comfortable with the choices that I were given. I started with Botox and Fillers, and then realized that my upper and lower eyelids were the main factor that was aging me. I had my upper and lower eyelids surgically enhanced and I am thrilled!! I feel that the outside now reflects the way I feel on the inside. I would recommend Dr. Sherman to everyone! Her main focus is to give you a natural, more youthful appearance, and trust me, she delivers! Thank you so much Dr. Sherman!

Reconstructive Case 2 Ectropion
When I learned that I needed eyelid surgery, the only name that came to my mind was Dr. Debbie Sherman. She is a skilled surgeon, and above all that, she cares for each of her patients. I am very satisfied with my surgery. My eyes are much better, and I appreciate Dr. Sherman very much.

After my surgery—I had an eyebrow lift—I asked Dr. Sherman if there is something else that might make my vision better and make me look even more rested. We discussed Botox injections, and they make me look much more rested…and actually make my vision better also! I’m very, very pleased with the results of my injections on top of my surgery.

Because of Diabetes, I lost the sight of my right eye. Soon after that, the pressure went up in my right eye to the point that the pain became unbearable, and the best solution was to remove the eye. Dr. Sherman saw me in consultation and explained step by step each part of the surgery so I knew what to expect. The surgery went very well and I woke up pain free. Several weeks later I was able to have a custom artificial eye made by a talented ocularist which fit beautifully! The surgery (enucleation) to remove my eye was performed by Dr. Sherman over 15 years ago. I have never regretted having the enuceation procedure as after the surgery, my eyes looked more natural than before the surgery. Surgery with Dr. Sherman took away the pain so that I could enjoy my life to the fullest which believe me, I do enjoy life everyday!