Non-Surgical Facelift 

Injectable fillers have evolved since the early 2000s to include a variety of consistencies suited to different applications, including facial volume enhancement, feature contouring, and skin smoothing. During the past few years, Dr. Deborah Sherman has perfected the liquid facelift technique, treating wrinkles with newly FDA-approved dermal fillers (injectables) and BOTOX using a master injector technique. These master injector techniques have started a revolutionary new approach to treating sagging facial features, which is called a liquid facelift or non-invasive facial rejuvenation. 

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What Is the Sherman Master Lift?

At our state-of-the-art clinic in Nashville, Tennessee, we’ve developed a personalized non-surgical treatment plan we call the “Master Lift.” The Master Lift utilizes multiple injectables to lift and revitalize the face without a single surgical incision being made. Like facelift surgery, this procedure addresses the deeper structural issues that contribute to facial aging, but it won’t cause scarring or discomfort. When fillers and BOTOX are used together, you will notice a gentle lift to the face. Dr. Sherman has refined these techniques to focus on lifting and contouring, with the added benefit of wrinkle reduction. Rather than just filling individual wrinkles, these compounds can now reshape and rejuvenate the entire face when performed by skilled injectors. You’ll enjoy a fresh, rested look without the downtime associated with surgery.

Age Gracefully Without Surgery

Many of our patients at Sherman Aesthetic Center choose us for our wide range of options when it comes to non-surgical anti-aging and skin care treatments. Medical and health limitations may rule out surgery as an option for some, and plenty of research also shows many people simply don’t want surgery in their quest to age gracefully. Our master injector technique combines BOTOX and filler to restore lost volume, give a natural cheek lift, and soften wrinkles and creases around the mouth, often referred to as the “parentheses.” BOTOX relaxes the muscles, causing the face to pull down, allowing for the maximum lift of facial structures. And when it comes to your face, up is good, and down is bad! If surgery isn’t part of your facelift treatment plan, explore your non-surgical facelift options with Dr. Deborah Sherman, Dr. Mark Melson, and their master injectors at Sherman Aesthetic Center. We have perfected the technique, using a combination of the latest dermal filler products, injectables such as Kybella®, and other rejuvenation treatments to give customized results similar to more invasive facelift surgeries.

About the Master Lift Non-Surgical Treatment Plan

When you look in the mirror, it’s easy to pick out a flaw or wrinkle that bothers you, like the “parenthesis” or “marionette” lines around your mouth. You see the wrinkle or line and want to fix it directly. In the past, many cosmetic surgeons took a similar approach when working with fillers; they would locate a specific crease and inject hyaluronic acid filler into it, thereby smoothing out the wrinkle. However, while that technique worked temporarily, it didn’t produce the natural-looking, long-lasting results patients really wanted. Addressing lines (rather than looking at the face as a whole) lends to under-treating the problem. Overfilling specific lines can also create an unnatural appearance, especially when your face moves with expression. Ultimately, it leads to a less-than-optimal outcome and a dissatisfied patient!

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How the Sherman Master Lift Works

To fully revitalize your face, you need a treatment plan that’s more than skin-deep. Though the symptoms of facial aging often manifest as superficial lines, creases, and folds, these issues actually originate within the tissues that support the face. Replacing facial volume that’s been lost over time, giving the cheeks adequate support, and sculpting specific features (like the lips and nose) are necessary to create a youthful appearance while preserving the face’s flexibility and unique character. Thanks to scientific advances and Dr. Sherman’s leadership in global training sessions, we now offer a unique and exclusive approach that produces these superior outcomes: The Master Lift. The Master Lift is a next-generation approach to injectables that treats and lifts the face holistically instead of just focusing on “the cracks.” The Master Lift achieves full correction over a series of filler treatments, starting with rebuilding the foundation of your face, then addressing contour, and, lastly, refining the details. (Think about building a house from the foundation up!). Thick, long-lasting fillers like Restylane Lyft or Juvederm Voluma XC are typically used to lift and scaffold the cheeks. Thinner fillers, like Restylane Refyne or Juvederm Vollure, may then be injected directly into remaining facial creases, while Restylane Silk provides an excellent solution for lines and volume loss around the lips. Dr. Sherman can also incorporate BOTOX into your treatment plan to smooth out frown lines or slim your jaw.

What to Expect When You Start Your Master Lift Treatment Plan

Prior to your Master Lift, Dr. Sherman will perform a three-dimensional analysis of your face to identify what’s causing your specific cosmetic concerns. For example, your deep nasolabial folds (the lines that run from your nose down to your mouth) may be the result of a cheek that has fallen, thereby creating heaviness in the lower face. If this is the case, instead of injecting directly into the fold, Dr. Sherman will address your sagging cheek first. Lifting your cheek will soften the parentheses around your mouth in a subtle, natural way. Once Dr. Sherman has gained a thorough understanding of your facial anatomy, she’ll mark your planned injection sites with a felt-tipped pen and numb your skin with a local anesthetic. Then, she’ll perform a series of quick, painless injections using a fine needle. To minimize discomfort, the Master Lift is usually performed over a series of 3-4 treatments.

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Why Our Nashville Patients Love the Master Lift Non-Surgical Facelift Plan

  • Comprehensive results with zero downtime: You’ll be able to return to all of your normal activities immediately after each Master Lift treatment
  • A low-risk treatment experience: Injectable fillers are natural compounds that will not cause infection or other serious side effects
  • A naturally youthful appearance: The Master Lift will not give your face an over-filled look; this procedure has been specifically designed to work with, and not against, each patient’s existing facial structure, which is why our patients tell us they prefer their results compared to what their friends have achieved with facelifts
  • An affordable approach to facial rejuvenation: Dermal fillers cost much less than surgery, and the cost of the Master Lift is staggered over multiple appointments
  • Easy to maintain: You can have the results of your Master Lift “touched up” every year to ensure a wrinkle-free look

The Master Lift is an innovative injectable treatment series that will address your face as a whole, restoring a rested, healthy, glowing you! With numerous advantages and few downsides, this procedure provides an ideal alternative to invasive surgery.

How Can I Get a Facelift Without Surgery?

At Sherman Aesthetic Center, we begin each non-surgical facelift with a thorough consultation to look at the unique conditions that are making your face look years older. The most common reason for wrinkles, lines, and sagging skin is a loss of volume due to the natural aging process. In the past, this was almost always addressed with cosmetic surgery, especially in the lower third of the face. The complexities of the surgical facelift have led to the development of a whole new line of products and technologies. The non-surgical facelift treats not only the loss of volume but also age spots and skin discoloration. Our non-surgical facelift approach is meticulously tailored to cater to each patient's specific needs, skin type, and aesthetic goals. By leveraging a combination of advanced techniques and cutting-edge technologies, we deliver natural-looking rejuvenation that enhances the inherent beauty of every individual.

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Non-Surgical Facelift Options at Sherman Aesthetic Center

At our practice, we develop a custom treatment plan for every patient based on their goals. Age-related skin discoloration and collagen and elastin loss impact each face differently. Our goal is to figure out how to use the best combination of treatments and tools available to rejuvenate and sculpt your unique bone structure and musculature.  We also strive to provide long-lasting results. We approach your non-surgical facelift strategy from three angles.

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A range of cosmetic injectable products such as BOTOX®, dermal fillers, and Kybella® may be used during your non-surgical facelift. Each has its own unique application that can help you achieve anti-aging results.

  • BOTOX®: This is one of the most popular cosmetic injectables in the world. It works by temporarily causing muscles in the face to stop contracting, which smoothes skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and deep lines.
  • Facial fillers: Also called dermal fillers or soft-tissue fillers, facial fillers use a variety of ingredients, including hyaluronic acid (HA), to restore facial volume and draw moisture to important areas where it can be retained. Rejuvenate and hydrate your face with these popular and safe products.
  • Kybella®: Those frustrated with double chins–also known as submental fat–get good results with Kybella. This deoxycholic acid permanently destroys fat cells in targeted areas. Your body’s own metabolic process removes the dead cells naturally.
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Skin Resurfacing

The hallmark of youth is facial skin that is smooth, evenly textured, and tight. During your non-surgical facelift, we can help you regain your youthful, smooth skin with medical microdermabrasion and chemical peels–two safe, effective skin resurfacing methods.

Why Choose a Liquid Facelift Rather Than the Traditional Surgical Facelift?

A Liquid Facelift is usually more affordable, gives your cheeks a better lift, and has less risk of complications compared to a surgical facelift. What most people do not calculate with a surgical facelift is the 1-2 week recovery that keeps you out of your normal activities. With a busy schedule, you may not have time to go through the recovery process of surgery. A liquid facelift in Nashville, TN at Sherman Aesthetic Center is a great option for those who want an anti-aging or facial lifting procedure but are not ready for the expense, recovery time, and risks of a surgical facelift.

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Liquid Lift Before & After Photos

See the dramatic yet natural-looking improvements in facial volume, contour, and youthful radiance our patients enjoy. Trust Sherman Aesthetics Center for expertly crafted, personalized Liquid Lift results that bring out your best.

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Sherman Master Lift (Liquid Facelift) FAQ

Is the procedure painful?

How many treatments are needed?

What makes someone a good candidate for a liquid facelift?

What are the common risks?

Can a non-surgical facelift tighten facial skin?

Does the liquid facelift require surgery? Do I need general anesthesia?

Will I need downtime for recovery with a liquid facelift?

When will I see the results of my liquid facelift in Nashville?

How long do the results of a non-surgical facelift last?

What will the long-term results be like?

Can I have a liquid facelift procedure done if I’m pregnant?

Is the procedure painful?

The procedure consists of a few tiny injections. At the Sherman Aesthetic Center, the Master Injectors also use three different forms of topical anesthesia to minimize discomfort!

How many treatments are needed?

Every face is unique; therefore, we develop a customized treatment plan just for you to correct the volume loss and achieve a fresh lift with beautiful contour.

What makes someone a good candidate for a liquid facelift?

Anyone who has experienced a loss of collagen and elastin, usually seen after the age of 38-40, can be a good candidate for a liquid facelift. If you’re bothered by the signs of facial aging–such as lines and wrinkles, sagging skin, hollowed areas, uneven coloration, or a double chin–but aren’t ready for the discomfort and downtime of facial surgery, our Master Lift non-surgical facelift may be just what you’re looking for.

The best candidates are in good health, do not smoke, and are committed to maintaining healthy skin. Kybella® treatments are most effective on a double chin caused by genetic factors rather than excess body fat. If you notice a downward turn in your cheeks or midface and want an improvement to the sagging, tired appearance, contact us today to schedule a free facial analysis that will determine the level of lift that is right for you!

What are the common risks?

The most common risks are bruising and swelling. Some patients do report minimal soreness at the site of injection.

Can a non-surgical facelift tighten facial skin?

Yes. Facial fillers add volume to areas of the face where subdermal fat has thinned and can have the effect of smoothing skin that appears to have loosened. Skin resurfacing can tighten mildly to moderately lax facial skin by stimulating the production of collagen.

Does the liquid facelift require surgery? Do I need general anesthesia?

The liquid facelift is a non-surgical procedure, and the good news is it only takes 30 minutes! Only topical anesthesia is used to numb the skin prior to injection.

Will I need downtime for recovery with a liquid facelift?

You won’t need downtime for recovery after a non-surgical facelift. That’s one of the great advantages of the treatment when compared with a surgical facelift. You may have some redness and swelling for a few days near the injection sites and over any areas treated with a chemical peel, but nothing that should cause you to stay home. The swelling should subside within the first 2-3 days, and we use specialized techniques to minimize bruising and downtime! After your Master Lift treatment, you’ll be able to get right back to your normal activities.

When will I see the results of my liquid facelift in Nashville?

The results of facial fillers will be visible immediately and will improve over the next few days as any swelling or redness disappears. BOTOX® injections usually take about three days to show their effects. Regardless, after your 30-minute office visit, you will leave with an instant, natural, refreshed look!

How long do the results of a non-surgical facelift last?

Different elements in a non-surgical facelift last for different lengths of time. A facial analysis will be performed at the time of your visit to determine which filler is right for your skin and facial structure. The filler chosen for optimal, natural results can last from 9-18 months.

The long-lasting facial fillers used in the Master Lift treatment usually needed to be refreshed after about a year. BOTOX® treatments typically need to be repeated every few months. The fat cells removed from under the chin with Kybella® injections are gone forever after treatment. If you maintain a stable weight, your double chin should never return.

What will the long-term results be like?

The component of dermal filler, hyaluronic acid, is a naturally occurring substance that your body breaks down over time. The filler will dissipate in a subtle, gradual way. It is always best to return to the Sherman Aesthetic Center for a re-evaluation at 6-8 months after the initial injection to maintain optimal results!

Can I have a liquid facelift procedure done if I’m pregnant?

The liquid facelift should not be performed during pregnancy, but we look forward to seeing you after your precious little one is born!

Arrange a Non-Surgical Facelift Consultation in Nashville, TN

A liquid facelift is a great non-surgical alternative to the traditional surgical facelift. It is a great treatment for patients who want to undergo an anti-aging procedure but are not ready for cosmetic surgery.

As we age, the skin on our faces begins to lose collagen, elastin, and other important building blocks of skin. This contributes to sagging facial features and a tired appearance. The loss of facial volume and elasticity also leads to the formation of wrinkles, lines, and folds.

If you are concerned about a sagging lower face, irregular, tired jawline, sagging cheeks, or down-turned mouth, you should consider the liquid lift. A non-surgical facelift can give your face a lifted appearance without surgery, with the convenience of a 30-minute office procedure. At the Sherman Aesthetic Center, we strive to bring our patients the very best that injectables have to offer. To learn more about our unique approach to non-surgical rejuvenation, schedule a consultation for your free facial analysis today. We look forward to introducing you to our exclusive Sherman Master Lift in Nashville, TN!

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